Privacy Policy Data Collection 1. Detailed Collection of Technical Data To offer efficient and secure VPN services, we detail the technical information collection when customers use our service, including network protocol addresses (IP addresses) to identify your network connection. Additionally, we analyze specific features of your device, such as the model, operating system type and version (e.g., Android or iOS), and browser type (e.g., Chrome or Firefox). We also record connection times and data volumes to evaluate service usage and optimize the user experience. 2. Use of Cookies and Other Technologies To further improve your personal experience and the speed of our VPN application, we use cookies and other technologies for data collection. These technologies help retain your preferences and login information and support our performance analysis. Our Cookie Policy provides detailed information about these systems, including how you can configure them based on your personal preferences. 3. Automated Data Collection Technologies We employ automated technology, like server logs, to collect technical information generated during VPN service use. This process is aimed at monitoring service usage, evaluating connection quality, and identifying service or security issues. Such monitoring and recording enable us to respond promptly, continually enhancing our service level. 4. Legal Basis and Purpose of Data Collection We emphasize that the collection and processing of data are based on your consent and for fulfilling our contractual obligations of providing the VPN service. Our data collection activities also comply with relevant laws and regulations and are dedicated to improving service quality, developing new features while protecting your privacy. 5. Minor Protection Policy We specifically state that our VPN services are not suitable for children under the age of 13, and we do not knowingly collect their personal information. Users under 13 should not register for our services or provide us personal information, reflecting our high regard for youth privacy and safety. This highlights the responsibility of guardians to ensure minors use internet resources appropriately. Use of Information In our commitment to offering high-quality services, we go beyond technical means to include refined service experiences and customized solutions. This means that when you use our VPN service, you not only enjoy smooth connectivity but also personalized services tailored to your needs. Initially, by analyzing and applying collected data deeply, we aim to enhance service quality from multiple perspectives, including timely solving technical issues, detailed analysis of usage habits, and continuously promoting performance optimization while ensuring a user-friendly interface and practical functionality. For personalized user experiences, we give high importance. Based on your usage records and preferences, we have developed a series of personalized options that match your interests, including content push, new feature introduction, and potential ads that might interest you, aiming to improve your satisfaction and overall experience. Regarding user data security, we insist on processing data without infringing on user privacy. 6. Data Retention Period: We commit to retaining user data only for the duration necessary to fulfill the objectives described in the privacy policy or as required by law. We have set specific retention periods for different types of data and collection situations, aiming to ensure effective data use and processing while protecting user privacy. 7. Data Backup and Security: To prevent data loss or system errors, we implement a data backup policy, regularly creating data copies for quick and accurate recovery in unforeseen circumstances. These backups are executed within specific time windows and enjoy the same level of privacy protection and security controls as the real-time data. Specifically, these backups are only used for restoring system integrity and functionality when necessary, ensuring swift recovery of data and services while maintaining the security of user privacy. Data Security: 8. Measures to Ensure Personal Data Security: We use a series of advanced technical means, including encryption technology, security protocols, and access control, to ensure the security of personal information. These strategies aim to establish a strong security barrier to prevent unauthorized access and leak of data. 9. Emergency Response Plan: We have a set of strategies that involve a detailed assessment of security incidents, identification of leakage sources, and rapid implementation of corrective measures. In case of data leakage, we immediately organize professionals for investigation and perform all necessary actions to control the damage and minimize it. At the same time, we commit to processing transparency, notifying and providing guidance to the affected parties according to regulations and laws promptly. 10. Third-Party Service Provider Management: In selecting partners, we value their technical strength and service quality and rigorously evaluate whether their data management and protection practices meet our set high-security standards. We ensure that partners must fully follow our privacy policy to guarantee that our customers' data security is not compromised. 11. Advertising Cooperation Model Quickdog VPN has gained wide recognition by offering high-quality, free virtual private network services. To support our continuous operation and cover operational costs, we have partnered with a selected range of external advertising partners. Notably, we hold a firm stance on user privacy: we never use users' personal information for any form of targeted promotion unless we have users' direct authorization to share necessary information with these advertising partners. Furthermore, to enable advertisement display, our partners might collect data through cookies, pixel tags, and other advanced tracking technologies while you browse web pages or use our services. This means your browsing habits and preferences may be anonymously tracked for advertisement display. Understand that these data collection activities often go beyond our control and awareness. We always prioritize protecting users' sensitive information and ensure that your personal information is not disclosed without your explicit consent. 12. Contact us