Terms I. Comprehensive description of the data collection process 1. Technical information collection details: In order to provide you with an excellent virtual private network (VPN) experience, we carefully collect key technical data. This includes not only your network protocol (IP) address, the model of the device you are using, but also the operating system version on your device. By using this key data, we can fine-tune the service and significantly improve its stability and performance. 2. Instructions on the use of cookies and other tracking technologies: In order to provide you with a customized browsing experience and improve the quality of our services, we collect necessary information through cookies and other technical means. Our Cookie Policy contains a detailed description of these terms and methods of use. 3. Application of automation technology in data collection: We use automated technical means, such as server log files, to collect users' technical information. These automated processes enable us to effectively monitor the use of services, detect and solve problems in a timely manner, and thus continuously improve the quality of our services. 4. Transparent explanation of third-party data acquisition: We will obtain supplementary information from third parties with your affirmative consent in order to provide you with more personalized service choices and further optimize your experience. 5. Clear explanation of the purpose of data collection and its legal basis: We collect data based on the affirmative consent of users and strictly follow relevant laws and regulations, aiming to continuously optimize our services through the collected information and ensure the satisfaction of User Experience. 6. Detailed introduction of Juvenile privacy protection measures: Our VPN service explicitly prohibits the use of children under the age of 13. We are committed to maintaining the privacy and safety of minors and will never intentionally collect their personal information without the affirmative consent of parents or guardians. II. Using Collected Data to Optimize User Experience By analyzing and processing the collected data, we can provide a better service experience, recommend personalized content to users, and effectively improve the overall quality of service while protecting user privacy. III. In-depth explanation of the data retention policy 3.1 Definition of data retention period: According to legal requirements and business needs, we will retain user data for a necessary period of time. 3.2 User Account and Data Deletion Policy: Users have the right to request the deletion of their account and related data. However, in order to comply with certain legal obligations, we may need to retain some data. 3.3 Implementation of Data Backup and Security Measures: To prevent data loss and ensure that the privacy of user information is fully protected, we have adopted advanced data protection policies and security measures, including regular data backups. IV. Practical measures for data security 4.1 Implemented data protection policies: We have adopted multi-layered data protection policies, including data encryption and access control, to ensure that users' personal information is not accessed or leaked without authorization. 4.2 Data Breach Response Measures: If a data breach occurs, we will immediately investigate and take necessary control measures, while ensuring transparent and timely communication with users and relevant organizations. 4.3 Privacy protection in third-party cooperation: When selecting partners, we take extra care to ensure that they strictly comply with our privacy protection policy to protect the security and privacy of user data. V. Strengthen the protection of user rights 5.1 Right to correction of information: Users have the right to correct their personal data at any time to ensure its accuracy and completeness. If users find that their personal data is incorrect or incomplete, they can contact the data controller or processor to request a correction. The data controller or processor shall make the correction as soon as possible and inform the user of the correction results. 5.2 Right to object to data processing: Users may object to certain data processing activities for legitimate interests to protect their rights from infringement. If users believe that certain data processing activities may infringe on their rights, they can object to such processing activities. The data controller or processor shall cease such processing activities upon receiving the user's objection and shall inform the user of the processing results. Contact details Welcome to contact us through the following ways kenny@beliads.com