Bubble Wallpaper privacy policy This is a page designed to communicate important information to our users about how we collect, use, and disclose their personal information. Our privacy policy explains in detail how we handle personal information and ensure the maximum protection of your privacy. We are committed to protecting your privacy and will strictly abide by all applicable privacy laws and regulations. Our privacy policy is transparent and easy to understand to ensure that you can clearly understand our privacy practices. We will always respect your privacy rights and provide safe and reliable services. What information do we collect? - We will not collect any personal privacy data, only behavior data generated when using the application. Please provide us with information about your device and technical details, such as your phone model, version, and other similar information. This information will help us understand your device status better in order to provide you with more accurate service. At the same time, these information can also help us understand your needs and preferences in order to provide you with more personalized services. When do we collect information? When you use the app or report a problem with our app, we collect non-personal privacy data. What do we use your information for? We may use your non-identifiable information for any purpose, such as: 1. Personalized user experience: We will use your usage preferences and historical data to provide you with more personalized services and recommendations, allowing you to use our mobile application more conveniently and quickly. 2. Improving our mobile application or its services: We will use your feedback and suggestions to continuously improve and optimize our mobile application and services to improve user experience and satisfaction. 3. Improving user service and responding to user enquiries and emails: We will use your needs and issues to provide more efficient, fast service and solutions to help you better use our mobile application. 4. Operating and operating our mobile application or its services: We need to use your non-identifiable information to analyze user behavior, statistics data, monitoring security, etc., to ensure the stable and safe operation of our mobile application and services. We will not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personal identity information. However, we may collect your non-identifiable information, such as your device information and usage habits, historical data, etc., for analysis and identification of potential abuse, to ensure the security and reliability of our services and applications. What third-party sites do we use? The app may use Google Admob SDK, which can help the app collect user information and display advertisements throughout the app. In addition, the website may also display other company's advertisements, which will appear in your vision in various ways. When you click on the app, service or website of the third party, you will leave the app, service or website, and thus enter other websites or pages. We will not collect your personal information through third-party websites, nor will we be responsible for the privacy practices of such third-party websites. This policy does not cover the privacy practices of third-party websites that are linked to the app or service, nor does it responsible for the privacy practices of third-party websites. If you want to learn how to protect your privacy, please refer to the privacy policy of the third-party website. If you have any questions or suggestions about our website's privacy protection policy, please feel free to contact us, and we will provide you with prompt answers. The linked or accessible websites may not be under our direct control. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully review the privacy policy of any website you visit to understand how they use and protect your personal information. If you need to transmit and share important information, it is recommended that you choose a more secure way to transfer and share information to avoid information leakage and abuse. Log Data We will use the permission. All these permissions are used to service the app. Storage Permissions: This is used to store and delete the bubble Wallpaper created by the user using the app. Other websites linked Our mobile application may contain links to other websites. Before you click on any links, make sure that these external websites are not operated by us. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you carefully review the privacy policy of any third-party website you visit to ensure your information is safe. We have no control over any content, privacy policy or practices of any third-party website and are not responsible for any resulting damage or loss. Therefore, we recommend that you read and understand the privacy policy and terms of use of any third-party website before using it. Children's privacy Our services are not directed at children under the age of 13, "children". Therefore, we recommend that parents or guardians monitor and manage the online use of minors to ensure their online use is safe. We will not intentionally collect personal identity information of any minor, "child" information. If parents or guardians find that their children have provided us with any personal information without their consent, we hope parents or guardians will contact us in time. We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of children and will take necessary measures to protect their rights. Information Security Your personal information is very important to us, and we are committed to protecting your privacy and information security. However, the nature of the Internet makes any transmission or electronic storage method 100% secure cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, we will try our best to protect your personal information, but we cannot guarantee its 100% security. We will constantly improve and improve our security measures to try our best to protect your personal information. Changes and Updates We have the right to modify and update our privacy policy at any time. Once the privacy policy is updated, the updated version will be published on the website. Acceptance of this policy Using our services or providing us with personal information represents your acceptance of this policy. If you do not agree to abide by this privacy policy, you cannot use or access our mobile application or its services. We recommend that users carefully read this policy before using our services to understand our privacy practices. At the same time, we also recommend that users review this policy regularly to keep abreast of any changes and updates. If you have any questions or suggestions about this policy, please feel free to contact us. Contact us with lynnliu608@gmail.com